“Rap can educate generations in ways undiscovered before and we can for sure bring it into the curriculum. It paves way for easy memorization of the hard learned formulas or the tricky patterns. Back when I was in school my teacher pushed me to rap it out in maths its been an experience for me. Since maths has so little student’s attention we literally lack in it. I discovered that learning math can actually be enjoyable and fun, after exploring how beats can help us understand math concepts. While it can be difficult for many students to remember the rules and properties of mathematical concepts, it is much easier for them to remember the lyrics or the beat of a song.”
– Keldamuzik
Music and mathematics have not just a shared base of patterns, but also a common foundation of repetition. Given the importance of repetition in memorizing things, it’s easy to see how music might help students learn and comprehend mathematical concepts. Music may help in the development of intellectual abilities and enrich portions of the curriculum, according to educators. Music also increases spatial-temporal thinking skills, which are critical for arithmetic topics like proportionate reasoning and geometry, according to the study.
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During this difficult time, we promote children, parents, and educators to look outside the box for unique ways like using music to aid with arithmetic. This technique will help prepare kids for the distractions and uncertainties that come with post-secondary life, whether it’s at college or later in life.
According to one of the teachers Alex Kajitani, who is pronounced as “Rappin’ Mathematician”, maths is very important. He believes that the number one way to successfully teach math is to link it with the student’s lives. He suggests teachers not bring a math concept without somehow mixing it to the world around us — or even better, the world our students live in. Raps are one way that he reaches kids in a mode they understand.